We’re pleased but not surprised that County Judge Peter Sakai is asking for a reevaluation of the budget development process as well as increased transparency.  Judge Sakai is a serious man with exceptional management skills as well as over 30 years of experience with the county’s budget process.  There has been a mismatch in the past years between what the County claims are its priorities when it comes to public safety and how it actually ends up allocating said resources. We’re excited to see the county leader and his staff personally involved in this very important process.  We feel Judge Sakai and his staff will bring true transparency and professionalism to this process.  

We’ve heard time and time again that public safety is a priority.  But the County Manager’s budget for 2023 recommended no new patrol, investigation or support positions despite an exploding population in unincorporated Bexar County.

Prior County Judge Nelson Wolff warned the residents of Bexar County about the challenge of unprecedented population growth in a statement to the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce in October 2011.  Judge Wolff stated that the rapid growth in unincorporated Bexar County would not be sustainable with existing resources, a very dire prediction which is coming to fruition.  This is compounded by the changes in state law that made municipal annexation almost nonexistant. That was over 12 years ago. Yet, rather than supporting public safety, County Manager David Smtih has chosen to misrepresent population facts and figures and deny the residents of Bexar County the protection they pay for and rightfully deserve.