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As President of the Deputy Sheriff's Association of Bexar County, I am calling on you to vote YES on an agreement that would finally get you the pay you deserve!

For several years, we have tirelessly advocated for a fair market value salary for all deputies at the BCSO. Now, we have finally negotiated an agreement with the County that would give all Bexar County deputies pay raises across the board. This is truly a historic moment. 

If approved, this agreement will transform the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office from being one of the worst-paid to being the highest-paid sheriff’s department in all of Texas! Many officers will receive as much as a 20% raise. The chart attached shows the new minimum and maximum salaries. These will be effective within a month of the Commissioners Court signing off on this agreement.

Voting begins Thursday, July 20 at noon and will continue through Wednesday, July 26. You will receive a link to the online voting portal in a separate email, entitled “DSABC Membership Voting.” If you do not find the email in your inbox, please check your spam folder. Otherwise, our team is at your disposal to help you make your voice heard.

The administration has given permission for members to use county computers at the substation and the jail for voting. Should anyone have any issues they should contact us immediately.


Ron Tooke

DSABC President